Pengabdian Masyarakat DEDIKASI2025-01-24T14:35:56+00:00Andhika Lungguh Percekaandhikalperceka@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>About the Journal<br />Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat DEDIKASI is a platform for the results of community service activities carried out by lecturers and students as a manifestation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. DEDIKASI is specifically dedicated to the results of community service activities in the field of Health, including:<br /><br />1. Nursing<br />2. Midwifery<br />3. Pharmacy<br />4. Health Analyst<br />5. Health Administration<br />6. Health Law<br />7. Spiritual Nursing<br />8. Health Economics<br />9. Health Psychology<br />10. General Medicine<br />11. Dentistry<br />12. Pediatrics<br />13. Pediatric Nursing<br />14. Maternity Nursing</p> COMMUNITY KNOWLEDGE ABOUT HYPERTENSION WITH A DIRECT EDUCATION PROGRAM AS AN EFFORT TO IMPROVE COMMUNITY HEALTH STATUS2024-12-01T14:38:15+00:00Buyung Reza Muhammad Buyung Reza Muhammadbuyungreza722@gmail.comRudy Alfiyansyah Rudy Alfiyansyahrudyalfiyansyah@gmail.comAndhika Lungguh Perceka Andhika Lungguh<p>A community is a group of people who share common values and concerns as a special group with clear geographic boundaries, with institutionalized norms and values. Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is a condition where systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg. Hypertension is often called “the silent killer” because it is often without complaints, so the patient does not know that he has hypertension, but later finds himself already having complications or complications from hypertension. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase knowledge about hypertension through good understanding which is carried out door to door to each resident's house. The method used is through door to door visits to each resident's house and health counseling through lectures and questions and answers. The results of the health counseling have been known that the participants are very active in participating in this activity. Evaluation of participants' knowledge was done by comparing their answers to several questions during hypertension screening and after counseling. After the counseling, the participants were able to answer an average of 8 questions correctly, while before the counseling, the participants answered an average of only 3 correct answers.</p>2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LP4M STIKes Karsa Husada Garut ON THE USE OF QUIZIZZ TO REDUCE EXAM ANXIETY AND IMPROVE TIME MANAGEMENT FOR STUDENTS2024-12-09T07:10:41+00:00Dessy Ekawatidessyekawati.s1201@gmail.comBaderibadri.mun@gmail.comNurul Azmi<p><em>Introduction: Time management among students during exams is in a concerning state, with many overwhelmed by scheduling study plans, leading to severe anxiety that disrupts mental health and academic performance. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of Quizizz training in reducing exam anxiety and enhancing time management skills among students. Methods: This study employed a Service Learning approach to train students in managing exam anxiety and improving time management skills through the use of the Quizizz platform. Intensive training and workshops were conducted for 30 students from ITSKes ICME Jombang. Results: The Wilcoxon statistical test revealed that Quizizz training significantly reduced exam anxiety (p = 0.003) and improved time management skills (p = 0.004). Conclusion: The use of Quizizz is effective in supporting students' mental readiness and skills in managing exams.</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND ASSISTANCE OF THE HEALTHY LIVING COMMUNITY MOVEMENT PROGRAM FOR HEALTH CADRES AND DIABETES MELLITUS SUFFERERS IN THE in the PURBARATU PUSKESMAS AREA, TASIKMALAYA CITY2024-12-09T14:55:58+00:00Asep Riyana Asep Riyanabanisulaeman@gmail.comUnang Arifin Hidayat Unang Arifin hidayatunangarifin@gmail.comDudi Hartono Dudi Hartonodudihartono@gmail.comAsep Kuswandi Asep Kuswandiasepkuswandi@gmail.comArip Rahman Arip<table width="669"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="669"> <p>The Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS) is a systematic and planned action carried out jointly by all components of the nation with awareness, willingness and ability to behave healthily to improve the quality of life. The implementation of GERMAS must start from the family, because the family is the smallest part of society that forms personality. GERMAS can be done by: Doing physical activity, consuming vegetables and fruit, not smoking, not consuming alcohol, checking your health regularly, cleaning the environment, and using a toilet. In the initial stage, GERMAS nationally started by focusing on three activities, namely: 1) Carrying out 30 minutes of physical activity per day, 2) Consuming fruit and vegetables; and 3) Check your health regularly. GERMAS is a national movement initiated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia which prioritizes promotive and preventive efforts, without neglecting curative-rehabilitative efforts by involving all components of the nation in promoting the healthy paradigm. To make GERMAS a success, you cannot only rely on the role of the health sector alone. The aim of this community service activity is to socialize the program that has been created by the government so that good habits can be achieved in society with healthy community living habits. Local Community Health Center... Based on this, the DIII Nursing Study Program feels it is necessary to socialize the Community Healthy Living Movement by carrying out regional guidance, especially for health cadres and DM patients in the Purbaratu Community Health Center Area, Tasikmalaya City.</p> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LP4M STIKes Karsa Husada Garut PROGRAM (FREE HEALTH CHECK SERVICE SYSTEM) IN CONTROLLING NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES: HYPERTENSION, DIABETES, AND GOUT2024-12-12T06:30:51+00:00Tantri Puspitatanpus1987@gmail.comMuhammad Hadi Sulhanmhadisulhan@gmail.comSri Yekti Widadisriyekti_s@yahoo.comNurani Ai Erlinawatin.aierlinawati@gmail.comTheresa Riananda Saputratheresarianandas@gmail.comMuhammad Luthfi Alfikrimluthfialfikri@gmail.comGin Gin Sugih Permanapermana_gingin@yahoo.comAghniya Novia Dianinoviyaghinya@gmail.comAnggun Tri Wahyuniangguntriw@gmail.comDina Novalianadinanovaliana@gmail.comBeladinna Zalfa Zahirahbeladinnazz@gmail.comPutri Nur<p> The high prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Tarogong kaler Sub-district, Garut Regency has several impacts on the community. The right community behavior to overcome this degenerative disease is to do prevention. This community service aims to implement the SILACAK program (free health check service system) in order to control non-communicable diseases. Through the SILACAK program, the community can access free health check-up services that include checking blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and health education. In addition, the community received socialization related to the demonstration of planting family medicine (TOGA) to prevent NCDs. The examination results show that most residents have a high risk of NCDs, especially high blood pressure. The results of this service are expected to increase public awareness about the importance of prevention and early detection of non-communicable diseases, as well as a decrease in the incidence of these diseases. Through this effort, it is expected that the quality of life of the community can be significantly improved.</p> <p>Keywords: SILACAK, Health Prevention, Non-Communicable Diseases</p>2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LP4M STIKes Karsa Husada Garut ON IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF NURSING CARE THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF 3S (SDKI, SLKI AND SILKI)2024-12-13T06:46:18+00:00Eldessa Vava Rilla Eldessa Vava Rillaeldessavavarilla@ymail.comTantri Puspita Tantri Puspitatanpus1987@gmail.comSulastini Sulastinisulastini@gmail.comAceng Ali Awaludin Aceng Ali Awaludinacengaligrt@gmail.comHerlin Rusyani Herlin Rusyaniherlin1506@gmail.comTaufik Huda Taufik<p>Nursing care service standards cannot be separated from the nursing process, which is the main task of nurses in providing nursing care. This process starts from assessment, establishing a nursing diagnosis, preparing a nursing care plan, implementing and evaluating the success of the care provided. The services provided by the nursing profession are providing nursing services. The SDKI is a diagnostic standard that can be used in nursing clinical decision making based on ease of use, clarity of diagnostic reasoning and completeness of the types of diagnoses available as well as language standards. One of the main factors influencing the implementation of nursing documentation based on SDKI, SIKI, and SLKI is knowledge nurse in Nurhayati Garut Hospital</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LP4M STIKes Karsa Husada Garut of High Cholesterol: A Community Service Effort for Health2024-12-28T15:19:19+00:00Torang Amiralmiraamir@gmail.comSuparnisuparni@gmail.comAnita<p><em>Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have become a significant health issue at both national and global levels. The increasing prevalence of NCDs is closely related to dietary habits that include high cholesterol intake. Excessive cholesterol in the body can lead to various complications, such as heart disease, stroke, and hypertension. Therefore, this outreach aims to educate and enhance public knowledge regarding the complications caused by high cholesterol and preventive measures that can be taken. The outreach activities were conducted face-to-face, involving active participation from the participants. The methods used in the outreach included presentations, interactive discussions, and Q&A sessions to ensure better understanding of the topic. Data were collected through pre-tests and post-tests conducted before and after the outreach. Data analysis using the Shapiro-Wilk test showed p < 0.05 for both pre-tests and post-tests, indicating that the data were not normally distributed (P > 0.05). Further analysis using the Wilcoxon test indicated a significant change in participants' knowledge before and after the outreach, with a p-value < 0.05. The results of this outreach are expected to have a positive impact on the public’s knowledge regarding health risks associated with high cholesterol and to encourage individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles. Thus, it is hoped that the prevalence of NCDs can decrease and the community will be more aware of the dangers of high cholesterol.</em></p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LP4M STIKes Karsa Husada Garut OF PROBLEMS IN THE 1ST STAGE OF LABOR2024-12-28T15:43:00+00:00Regina Pricilia Yunikareginapricilia@outlook.comYadul Ulyayadululya@gmail.comSiskha Maya<p><strong><em>Introduction: </em></strong><em>Childbirth is a physiological process, starting from the opening of the cervix to the birth of the baby and placenta. Many factors influence childbirth, both from maternal and fetal factors and also from factors that help and accompany childbirth. In the first stage of labor, the active phase carries risks such as weak or irregular contractions, slow opening of the cervix, bleeding, pain and loss of amniotic fluid. This can cause high maternal mortality rates (MMR). The aim is to increase pregnant women's knowledge about problems in the first stage of labor.<strong> Methods: </strong>Counseling, discussion, question and answer, as well as pretest and posttest.<strong> Results: </strong>There was an increase in pregnant women's knowledge about problems in the first stage of labor. The increase can be seen from the data on the number of pregnant women who have good knowledge, from 60.7% increasing to 85.7% after receiving health education, where the increase was 25%. Meanwhile, the number of pregnant women who have sufficient and insufficient knowledge has decreased. The percentage decrease in knowledge of pregnant women in the sufficient category was 7.1% and there were no pregnant women who had insufficient knowledge.<strong> Conclusion: </strong>There is an increase in knowledge between before being given health education and after being given health education.</em></p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LP4M STIKes Karsa Husada Garut EDUCATION “FILL MY PLATE” FOR STUDENTS AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JATINANGOR, SUMEDANG, WEST JAVA2025-01-24T14:35:56+00:00Bambang Aditya Nugraha Bambang Aditya Nugrahabambangaditya@gmail.comSulastini Sulastinisulastini@gmail.comSandra Pebrianti Sandra Pebriantisandrapebrianti@gmail.comAdelia F Fauzi Adelia F Fauziadelia@gmail.comAlifa A Putri Alifa A Putrialifaputri@gmail.comDervan S Rosadi Dervan S Rosadidervansrosadi@gmail.comM T Bahtiar M T Bahtiarmtbahtiar@gmail.comUnais Zamzami Unais Zamzamiunaiszamzami@gmail.comNabila S Ramadani Nabila S Ramadaninabilasramadani@gmail.comNathania A Trixie Nathania A Trixienatainia@gmail.comNajwa Sabrina Najwa Sabrinanajwasabrina@gmail.comRegatta A Dharma Regatta A Dharmaregatadharma@gmail.comTiara A Mazaya Tiara A Mazayatiaramazaya@gmail.comZahwa Z Lazuardy Zahwa Z<p>Elementary school students require adequate nutrition to support<br>learning process, growth and development. Adequate nutrition<br>allows students to have good academic achievement and avoid<br>nutritional problems such as malnutrition and obesity. Therefore, a<br>nutritional education program for students entitled fill my plate was<br>carried out. This education contains a "isi piringku/fill my plate"<br>nutritional guide compiled by Indonesia government to replace<br>"empat sehat lima sempurna/four healthy 5 perfect" which has<br>been launched since 1952’s so it is considered outdated. The<br>purpose of this program is to increase students' knowledge<br>regarding the nutrition needed every day in order to support their<br>activity. The activity method consists of pre-test, lecture, fun games<br>and post-test. This activity was attended by 30 6th grade students<br>of Kananga Jatinagor Elementary School. This school was chosen<br>because it is located in a suburban area which is at risk of having<br>limited access to information and is far from the district city center.<br>The results of the program showed that most students were able to<br>re-explain the material that had been delivered. This activity is<br>recommended to be carried out periodically in each grade, not only<br>in grade six.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LP4M STIKes Karsa Husada Garut