Submission guidelines

Submit Guidelines
Instructions for (Prospective) Authors of DEDIKASI Community Service Journal

Articles written for the DEDIKASI Community Service Journal are in the form of community service results (empirical / original articles) in the fields of Social Sciences, Science and Humanities.

The content of the article is written in Indonesian by paying attention to the language rules used.

Article Writing Instructions and templates can be downloaded at the following address:
1. Article Writing Template and Instructions in DOC (.docx)

Instructions for Submitting Manuscripts Online
Manuscripts must be submitted through the Online Submission System on the DEDIKASI Community Service Journal portal

Manuscript submission steps:

1. First, the author registers as an Author and/or Reviewer (checking the role as Author and/or Reviewer)  in the “Register” section or address:

2. After the author logs in as an author, click on “New Manuscript”. The article submission stage consists of 4 stages, namely: (1). Start, (2). Upload Manuscript, (3). Enter Metadata, (4). Confirm
3. In the “Start” section, check all the Submission Requirements checklists.
4. In the “Upload Manuscript” section, please upload the article manuscript file in MS Word format in this section.
5. In the “enter metadata” section, enter the data of all Authors and their affiliations, followed by the       title and abstract, and keywords.
6. In the “Confirm” section, please click “Submission Complete” if all data is correct.
7. If the author has difficulties in the process of submitting the manuscript through the online system, they can be asked via E-mail to the DEDICATED Journal of Community Service Editorial email. or contact the support contact.

We are committed to providing the best service for your better manuscript.

DEDIKASI Community Service Journal is currently indexed by PKP Index, Google Schoolar, OneSearch, Scilit, Dimensions and Garuda Portal and will continue to grow.