Statement of Authenticity of Scientific Work

Journal of Community Service DEDIKASI is a scientific journal in community service organized
by the STIKes Karsa Husada Garut School of Health Sciences
in the field of health in general.
Jurnal Of Community Service in Heakth receive and publish manuscripts on Health, Education, Entrepreuneurship especially:
1. Clinical Nutrition
2. Community Nutrition
3. Entrepreuneurship
4. Institutional Nutrition
5. Food Technology
6. Food Security
7. Pediatric Physiotherapy
8. Geriatric Physiotherapy
9. Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physiotherapy
10. Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
11. Sports Physiotherapy
12. Public Health
13. Community Sanitation
14. Environmental Health
15. Nursing
16. Biology
17. Medicine
18. Pharmacy
Published by: Karsa Husada Health Institute Garut
E-ISSN Online 2828-3341 | P-ISSN 2746-251X
Nusa Indah Street No. 24, Tarogong Kidul, Garut, West Java, Indonesia. Cq. Journal Team, LP4M Karsa Husada Health Institute Garut.
Phone: 08997733294, email: jurnalskhg@gmail.com/lppm_karsahusada@yahoo.com
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License